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17.08.2004, 00:07 | #1 |
Stardock All Product!!!
В новый век компания Stardock вступила с новым продуктом — DesktopX, который, строго говоря, является составной частью большого программного пакета под названием Object Desktop. Его основное предназначение — заставить Windows оперировать уникальными DesktopX-объектами, комбинируя которые, можно создавать поистине невероятные оболочки. Работают с объектами в DesktopX двумя способами. Первый — всем знакомый drag and drop: вытащил мышкой нужный файл на Рабочий стол и Windows автоматически создает для него ярлык. Второй — посложнее, но зато и результат получается гораздо эффектнее. Речь идет о создании оригинальных псевдотрехмерных объектов с нуля (либо о модификации уже готовых). Вот где арсенал средств DesktopX используется по полной программе! Творение Stardock отличается мощной поддержкой анимации и специальных эффектов (например, прозрачности). Можно анимировать находящиеся в статичном положении объекты или заставить их изменять форму в зависимости от внешних условий (в основном под воздействием курсора мыши). Так, покопавшись в настройках программы, нетрудно «научить» разноцветную бабочку — символ MSN Explorer — махать крыльями да еще под музыкальный аккомпанемент. Carbonix Skin Pack: Jazz up your desktop with this premium suite! Includes a fantastic new visual style, nearly a hundred high quality icons, a clever DesktopX theme, ObjectBar theme, wallpaper, and more! Download (4.28MB): _http://storage.stardock.com/files/carbonix_skinpak-withwalls.exe Serial Info: _http://pub39.bravenet.com/forum/3343136272/fetch/302410/ Universe Metal 2004:[/b] Jazz up your desktop with the Universe Metal Premium Suite, containing a custom visual style, icon package, desktop bar, wallpaper, Winamp 2.x, and Windows Media Player 9 skin from Pixtudio.com. Download (8.73MB): _http://storage.stardock.com/files/private/UniverseMetal2004.exe Serial Info: _http://pub39.bravenet.com/forum/3343136272/fetch/302410/ DesktopX 2.1a Pro/Enhanced: DesktopX is a revolutionary program that you can use to enhance your desktop with objects. These objects can do pretty much anything you can imagine. For example, an object could be a calendar, a news reader, a weather checker, a stock ticker. DesktopX objects can even be combined together to build your own custom desktop. DesktopX has been used by studios for the creation of custom computer interfaces in movies and TV. Benefits of DesktopX include: * Enhance your existing desktop. Give your desktop icons shadows, make them as large or small as you want, make them react to mouse events, and more! * Increase productivity with DesktopX objects. Any type of "widget" or "gadget" that you could imagine having on your desktop can be created with DesktopX. * Security. DesktopX's integration with Microsoft's secure desktop APIs allow users to lock down desktops (requires DesktopX Professional). * Direct access to ActiveX controls. No need for a compiler or some other development tool, DesktopX can put COM objects (ActiveX controls) right on your desktop. * Incredible extensibility. DesktopX objects can be extended with VBScript or Javascript and soon C#, and XAML. Want to learn how to use industry standard languages and see rapid results from your efforts? Try DesktopX. * Distributable. Once your object or your desktop is completed, you can package it up as a single file and upload to the Internet or distribute all over the world. If you have DesktopX Pro, you can even turn those objects into stand alone applications! * Low overhead. DesktopX is optimized to use as few resources as possible. Download App (Pro Version) (13.31mb): _http://storage.stardock.com/files/private/DesktopX_Pro_210a.exe Serial Info (Pro Version): _http://pub39.bravenet.com/forum/3343136272/fetch/302410/ Download App (Enhanced Version) (12.76mb): _http://storage.stardock.com/files/private/desktopx210a-enhanced.exe Serial Info (Enhanced Version): _http://pub39.bravenet.com/forum/3343136272/fetch/302410/ Object Bar 1.65 Enhanced: ObjectBar is designed to let users replace their Start bar with one of their own liking and design. The Start menu, system tray, task manager and a host of brand new features can be combined, arranged, and extended to build a replacement Start bar to suit your needs. Download (3mb): _http://storage.stardock.com/files/private/ObjectBar165_enh.exe Serial Info: _http://pub39.bravenet.com/forum/3343136272/fetch/302410/ Object Dock Plus 1.02 Beta 2: ObjectDock Plus adds a ton of extra features that help turbo-charge your Windows desktop. See Screenshots! Extra features include: * Tabbed Docks * Multiple Docks * System Tray support * Custom icons for system tray icons * Fly-out menus * Smart edge docking * Taskbar grouping * Multi-monitor support * Tons of customization features Download (8mb): _http://storage.stardock.com/files/private/ObjectDockPlus102beta2.exe Serial Info: _http://pub39.bravenet.com/forum/3343136272/fetch/302410/ Keyboard Launchpad 1.0 Enhanced: The Keyboard LaunchPad lets you turn pretty much anything you might want to do on your computer into a hot key. Assign programs, sets of actions, websites, even clipboard items to a hot key. Download (1.35mb): _http://storage.stardock.com/files/keyboardlaunchpad100_-enhanced.exe Serial Info: _http://pub39.bravenet.com/forum/3343136272/fetch/302410/ IconPackager 2.5h Enhanced: IconPackager allows users to change every icon on their desktop either individually or by applying pre-created icon packages. Creating your own icon package is easy, simply choose "Save As..." from its menu after setting up your system just the way you want it. Now you can trade that package with other users or keep is archived for backup purposes. Download (5.16mb): _http://storage.stardock.com/files/private/iconpackager250h__enhanced.exe Serial Info: _http://pub39.bravenet.com/forum/3343136272/fetch/302410/ SkinStudio 4.3 Pro: Design skins for WindowBlinds, ObjectBar and more! SkinStudio is a powerful visual interface creation environment that makes it easy to create WindowBlinds skins and skins for other programs as well. Download (4.44mb): _http://storage.stardock.com/files/private/skinstudio430-professional.exe Serial Info: _http://pub39.bravenet.com/forum/3343136272/fetch/302410/ IconDeveloper Professional 1.0d: IconDeveloper makes it easy for you to create your very own Windows icons. Just take any image you've found or created and import it in. IconDeveloper can change its color, auto-generate the different icon formats, and much more. Download (2.87mb): _http://storage.stardock.com/files/private/IconDeveloper100d-Professional.exe Serial Info: _http://pub39.bravenet.com/forum/3343136272/fetch/302410/ Stardock CursorXP Plus v1.30a: Stardock CursorXP is a program that lets you use and create incredibly cool looking Windows mouse cursors. It does this by taking advantage of the new visual effects features of Windows 2000 and Windows XP. CursorXP users can create and use cursors that look and feel far superior to anything you've ever seen before! Best of all, it's really easy to create your own super-charged cursors! It integrates into the standard Mouse interface of Windows and is easy to turn on and off as you need. Download (3.72mb): _http://storage.stardock.com/files/CursorXPPlus130a---enhanced.exe Serial Info: _http://pub39.bravenet.com/forum/3343136272/fetch/302410/ Blog Navigator 0.9 Enhanced: Download (958.4kb): _http://storage.stardock.com/files/private/blognavigator090-enhanced.exe Serial Info: _http://pub39.bravenet.com/forum/3343136272/fetch/302410/ Control Center 1.5 Download (1.31mb): _http://storage.stardock.com/files/controlcenter192a.exe Serial Info: _http://pub39.bravenet.com/forum/3343136272/fetch/302410/ Freeware: Boot skin 1.05a: Stardock BootSkin is a program that allows users to change their Windows 2000 and Windows XP boot screens. Unlike other programs that can change the Windows XP boot screens, BootSkin does so in a safe manner. It doesn't patch the Windows XP kernel. Nor does it require the user to download replacement Windows XP kernels to do so. This has 2 advantages: 1) Boot screens that use BootSkin are typically under 20K compared to other boot screen programs whose files are over 2 sucks. 2) There is no risk of having your system unable to boot due to a corrupted file or after applying a service pack. Download (943.2kb): _http://storage.stardock.com/files/bootskin_free.exe Logon Studio R6: Stardock LogonStudio allows Windows XP users to edit, change, and apply new logon screens. LogonStudio comes built with a visual editor to make it easy to create your own logons which can then be uploaded to websites to be used by others users. LogonStudio uses .logonxp files rather than requiring users to replace their actual logonui.exe. Download (1.82mb): _http://storage.stardock.com/files/LogonStudio_rc6.exe |
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Реклама: | руки вверх рязань 2024 купить | ярославль москва пароход расписание | обмен 1с и яндекс такси | барнхаус 60+1 | декор керамогранит kerama marazzi про матрикс бежевая вставка 9 5х9 5 |
13.11.2005, 17:33 | #2 |
Stardock.Right Click v1.10a
-http://storage.stardock.com/files/private/RightClick110a__enhanced.exe Stardock.WindowFX v2.19a beta -http://storage.stardock.com/files/private/wfx219a--beta.exe Stardock Central v2.10 -http://storage.stardock.com/files/sdcentral_setup.exe Serial:["OD-0066433-OEM-2771228921"] Последний раз редактировалось alexandr; 27.09.2009 в 08:50.. |
Сказали спасибо: |
13.11.2005, 21:03 | #3 |
Неактивный пользователь
Пол: Регистрация: 01.03.2005
Сообщений: 5
Репутация: 90
Re: Stardock Product!!!
All Stardock App's
Stardock Aquarium Desktop Full http://storage.stardock.com/files/pr...ktop--full.exe Serial: AD-BB3R1-GQKEH-F9O3Q-N731J-785764 Stardock Theme Manager 2005 http://storage.stardock.com/files/thememanager_free.exe Stardock BootSkin 1.05a http://storage.stardock.com/files/bootskin_free.exe Stardock Blog Navigator Pro v1.0 http://storage.stardock.com/files/pr...--Enhanced.exe Serial: BN-P9QIK-4DQJE-0S3OF-0DM24-785764 Stardock WebBlinds 1.06 Enhanced http://storage.stardock.com/files/webblinds106--enh.exe Serial: WL-Q9J7S-L831F-I080S-02A8I-785764 Stardock CursorXP Plus 1.30a Enhanced http://storage.stardock.com/files/Cu...--enhanced.exe Serial: CX-BF9PD-DFM09-M815E-FGO8D-785764 Stardock WindowsFX 2.12 Enhanced http://storage.stardock.com/files/wi...__enhanced.exe Serial: WX-1H9P5-0OPRD-778RE-M0APC-785764 Stardock IconDeveloper 1.1 Professional http://storage.stardock.com/files/pr...ofessional.exe Serial: ID-3EJL5-386M6-LFDG3-ELAPC-785764 or ID-8NG41-IOSIQ-F9BGL-KD1GC-785764 Stardock SkinStudio 4.4 Professional http://storage.stardock.com/files/pr...dio440-pro.exe Serial: SP-CHEKG-56KQ0-3A3OF-K635I-785764 Stardock IconPackager 3.0 Enhanced http://storage.stardock.com/files/pr...ger300-enh.exe Serial: IP-P24CD-QERCO-SI7OR-AM2A1-855868312 IP-HRIHS-BLRGE-5JMO5-C2NLI-169604632 IP-D38JN-9RP8S-EBK39-LL65M-2865114292 IP-OMEC2-56EFE-SBA90-N6CD1-3540099648 Stardock Control Center 1.92a http://storage.stardock.com/files/controlcenter192a.exe Serial: CC-8KM75-9NN77-7OK18-PCE6I-785764 Stardock Keyboard Launchpad 1.0 Enhanced http://storage.stardock.com/files/ke..._-enhanced.exe Serial: KL-25P7O-FA7QJ-8J2DJ-JSQKD-785764 Stardock Object Dock Plus 1.04a http://storage.stardock.com/files/pr...lus_v1.04a.exe Serial: ODP-BRJJK-OCHND-0B2RM-IKBJK-785764 Stardock ObjectBar 1.65 Enhanced http://storage.stardock.com/files/pr...Bar165_enh.exe Serial: OB-I1245-7R6O7-4S0AM-QEECD-785764 OB-9O1I2GP4JSB9N0H3AS14-2483779232 OB-HKJKCFRKH06CA8R2O8HJ-1707256040 OB-7DRH0BE00FJHJABA5S5J-1538828054 Stardock IconX 1.0a Enhanced http://storage.stardock.com/files/pr...--Enhanced.exe Serial: IX-LBP2C-OE832-PN3GO-68GD0-785764 Stardock DesktopX 2.21 Enhanced http://storage.stardock.com/files/pr...1-enhanced.exe Serial: DX-JF85Q-DDS4L-QIDGI-FAL44-785764 Stardock DesktopX Enterprise v3.1 http://storage.stardock.com/files/desktopx_public.exe Stardock Windows Blinds 4.4 http://storage.stardock.com/files/pr...1-enhanced.exe Serial: WB-SSSPS-F9GS2-5KOBF-82QE1-3143949721 Stardock Natural Desktop http://storage.stardock.com/files/pr...sktop_full.exe Serial: ND-CKNND-M3F4E-F3SS2-BH28L-785764 Stardock ImpressionCreator v1.0 http://storage.stardock.com/files/pr...r100-setup.exe Serial: IC-EAQD0-HG8R0-474S2-FBGSM-785764 ili http://rapidshare.de/files/7335734/sTaRdoCk.txt.html |
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19.11.2005, 04:20 | #4 |
Re: Stardock All Product!!!
WindowBlinds beta 3
Устанавливается как бета два, crack также от неё подходит. http://www.softwares4all.info/DB-WB496.RAR (8,76 МВ) |
21.12.2005, 09:53 | #5 |
Apogee Icon Premium Suite Download
World renowned icon designer Paul Boyer is back with the all new Apogee Icon suite. Over 120 unique icons, 500 icons in all! 15 color variations for folder icons! Includes Windows Vista-compatible 256x256 icon resources! Download: For Icon IconPackager 3.0 1. http://s25.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1...P34FB2XHXV9HTW 2. http://rapidshare.de/files/9373811/Apogee.ip.html 3. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5BZVJOI5 4. http://storeandserve.com/download/39819/Apogee.ip.html Download: For Icon IconPackager 3.1 full version 1. http://rapidshare.de/files/9431375/Apogee.exe.html 2. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=43V4JT7X 3. http://s26.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1...D3INE3K218REMO 4. http://storeandserve.com/download/40564/Apogee.exe.html Добавлено через 15 минут P.S. Install Iconpackager v3.1 enhanced then copy the "sig.bin" file from the Windowblinds 5 folder over to the iconpackager folder. Removes activation. All new features seem to work except the new control panel icons can't be applied. |
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20.01.2006, 08:34 | #6 |
Re: Stardock All Product!!!
Stardock Products Содержание: Stardock IconX 1.0a Enhanced Stardock Aquarium Desktop Full Stardock Theme Manager 2004 Stardock BootSkin 1.05a Stardock Blog Navigator 0.9 Stardock WebBlinds 1.06 Enhanced Stardock CursorXP Plus 1.30a Enhanced Stardock WindowsFX 2.12 Enhanced Stardock IconDeveloper 1.1 Professional Stardock SkinStudio 4.4 Professional Stardock IconPackager 2.5 Enhanced Stardock Control Center 1.92a Stardock Keyboard Launchpad 1.0 Enhanced Stardock Object Dock Plus 1.04a Stardock ObjectBar 1.65 Enhanced Stardock IconX 1.0a Enhanced Stardock DesktopX 2.21 Enhanced Stardock Windows Blinds 4.4 Stardock IconX 1.0a Enhanced IconX is a program that turbo-charges your Windows desktop icons. It can put shadows, make them bigger, have them zoom up when you put your mouse over them, even change color based on what you are doing. Serial: IX-LBP2C-OE832-PN3GO-68GD0-785764 Download: http://storage.stardock.com/files/pr...--Enhanced.exe Stardock Aquarium Desktop Full Turn your desktop into an awesome fish tank... just like the numerous screen savers youve seen. Serial: AD-BB3R1-GQKEH-F9O3Q-N731J-785764 Download: http://storage.stardock.com/files/pr...ktop--full.exe Stardock Theme Manager 2004 Control the OVER ALL look of your Windows computer with Theme Manager. It's a new program that lets you manage all your skins, themes, wallpapers, icons, etc. from a single interface. You can even mix and match them together to create full blown suites! Theme Manager is a front end that seamlessly works with your other desktop enhancements to apply skins, themes, icon packages, and suites all from the same user interface. Once you have your desktop just the way you want, you can take a snapshot of your desktop that is saved as a .suite file. Theme Manager supports: * Wallpapers * Visual Styles (WindowBlinds & MSStyles*) * MP3 Players (Winamp, Windows Media Player, Cool Player) * Desktop Themes (M*crosoft .theme, DesktopX, Hoverdesk, NextStart, ObjectBar) * Mouse cursors (both Windows and CursorXP) * Logon Screens (LogonXP format) * Boot Screens (BootSkin format) * Icons (both MS Themes and IconPackager themes) * Widgets (SysMetrix, DesktopX Widgets) * Instant Messenging Skinning (Trillian, ICQ Plus) * Launchers (ObjectDock, WorkShelf) * and more! This one is free. Download: http://storage.stardock.com/files/thememanager2004.exe Stardock BootSkin 1.05a Stardock BootSkin is a program that allows users to change their Windows 2000 and Windows XP boot screens. Unlike other programs that can change the Windows XP boot screens, BootSkin does so in a safe manner. It doesn't patch the Windows XP kernel. Nor does it require the user to download replacement Windows XP kernels to do so. This has 2 advantages: 1- Boot screens that use BootSkin are typically under 20K compared to other boot screen programs whose files are over 2 MEGABYTES. 2- There is no risk of having your system unable to boot due to a corrupted file or after applying a service pack. This one is free. Download: http://storage.stardock.com/files/bootskin_free.exe Stardock Blog Navigator 0.9 Blog Navigator is a new program that makes it easy to read blogs on the Internet. It integrates into various blog search engines and can automatically determine RSS feeds from within properly coded websites. This one may be free, but if you need a serial, here it is: Serial: BN-P9QIK-4DQJE-0S3OF-0DM24-785764 Download: http://software-files.download.com/s...498/10287497/3 Stardock WebBlinds 1.06 Enhanced WebBlinds is an Internet Explorer extension that makes IE 5 or later a fully skinnable web browser. It uses WindowBlinds technology (called DirectSkin) to do this. Users can mix and match their toolbars, animated throbber, and general akin from their component parts. Because it integrates with Internet Explorer, users don't lose out on any of the compatibility or functionality in IE. Moreover, it uses much less memory than a fully featured stand alone skinnable browser might use while at the same time having just as much, if not more flexibility than a separate skinnable browser. With WebBlinds, users get the best of both worlds -- A skinnable browser that is Internet Explorer. Serial: WL-Q9J7S-L831F-I080S-02A8I-785764 Download: http://storage.stardock.com/files/webblinds106--enh.exe Stardock CursorXP Plus 1.30a Enhanced Stardock CursorXP is a program that lets you use and create incredibly cool looking Windows mouse cursors. It does this by taking advantage of the new visual effects features of Windows 2000 and Windows XP. CursorXP users can create and use cursors that look and feel far superior to anything you've ever seen before! Best of all, it's really easy to create your own super-charged cursors! It integrates into the standard Mouse interface of Windows and is easy to turn on and off as you need. Serial: CX-BF9PD-DFM09-M815E-FGO8D-785764 Download: http://storage.stardock.com/files/Cu...--enhanced.exe Stardock WindowsFX 2.12 Enhanced WindowFX is a revolutionary new program that allows you to add an unprecedented number of special effects to windows. * True, alpha blended shadows under windows * Ability to morph windows when minimizing and maximizing * Several different morphing effects available. * A set of window opening and closing effects * Ability to have large icons on the desktop while having normal sized icons everywhere else * Ability to apply light sources to different coordinates on the desktop that colorize titlebar/borders of windows* * Wide range of semi-transparency options such as making windows, the star bar, menus, and more semi-transparent * Various special effects for Windows desktop icons and their labels * A set of special effects for menus when opened and closed * User defined size for windows to maximize to. * Able to add more transition special effects and shadows created by users Serial: WX-1H9P5-0OPRD-778RE-M0APC-785764 Download: http://storage.stardock.com/files/wi...__enhanced.exe Stardock IconDeveloper 1.1 Professional IconDeveloper is a program that makes it very easy to create your own Windows icons. Intead of trying to include a drawing package, IconDeveloper instead allows users to just import images made by other programs and turn them quickly and easily into icons. IconDeveloper also makes it easy to change the colors of icons, do batch conversions, and add new sizes to existing icons using a variety of scaling techniques to ensure the highest possible quality. IconDeveloper can also incorporate itself into the Windows shell allowing users to simply right click on a graphics image and turn it into a Windows icon (.ICO file). It can edit both .ICO files and .ICL files and supports any size icon you choose to create. Serial: ID-3EJL5-386M6-LFDG3-ELAPC-785764 or ID-8NG41-IOSIQ-F9BGL-KD1GC-785764 Download: http://storage.stardock.com/files/pr...ofessional.exe Stardock SkinStudio 4.4 Professional SkinStudio is a program that lets you design your own graphical user interfaces that can then be applied to Windows or various programs on Windows such as Windows Media Player. Serial: SP-CHEKG-56KQ0-3A3OF-K635I-785764 Download: http://storage.stardock.com/files/pr...dio440-pro.exe Stardock IconPackager 2.5 Enhanced IconPackager is the world's most popular way to change all the icons on your Windows PC all once. Serial: IP-EH01B-5Q1D3-J1MP4-D404M-785764 Download: http://storage.stardock.com/files/pr...h_enhanced.exe Stardock Control Center 1.92a ControlCenter is the ultimate productivity enhancer. It provides Windows 95/98/NT/2000 with virtual desktops, resource monitoring, program launching, and numerous other features. What really makes ControlCenter stand out is its flexibility. It can be configured almost any way you want. Because of its object oriented design, several uniquely configured ControlCenters can be run at the same time. You can even embed some sections as part of the Windows Start bar! Serial: CC-8KM75-9NN77-7OK18-PCE6I-785764 Download: http://storage.stardock.com/files/controlcenter192a.exe Serial: CC-8KM75-9NN77-7OK18-PCE6I-785764 Download: http://storage.stardock.com/files/controlcenter192a.exe Serial: KL-25P7O-FA7QJ-8J2DJ-JSQKD-785764 Download: http://storage.stardock.com/files/ke..._-enhanced.exe Stardock Object Dock Plus 1.04a * ObjectDock Plus supports multiple docks on the desktop of different styles (tabbed and untabbed) * Tabbed docks can have the system tray in them. Hold down the left mouse button on a system tray item and you can change its image. * Taskbar items can be grouped together like the default Windows taskbar. * Docks can be moved to the edge and then docked where only the tabs show until the mouse goes over them. The size of tabs and docks are controlled from the easy to use configuration dialog. * Docks can be set up so that they're always on top (such as where the tabs show up on top of windows) or behave like normal windows that show up on top when you move your mouse to a specific position. * The tabs and dock backgrounds are skinnable. Use the ones in there or download more made by others. Change the color to any color you choose. * Organize your work as you like. * ObjectDock Plus supports Stardock fly-out menus (you have to see it in action to appreciate how cool this is). A great way to zip through graphic files drives, etc. * Manage your various docks through the ObjectDock Plus system tray item. Very straight forward to create and modify Serial: ODP-BRJJK-OCHND-0B2RM-IKBJK-785764 Download: http://storage.stardock.com/files/pr...lus_v1.04a.exe Stardock ObjectBar 1.65 Enhanced ObjectBar allows users to create their own custom Start bars, finders, pop-up menus, program launchers, wharfs, docks, etc. It is completely customizable. Users can download hundreds of themes and bars for it from the theme library. Serial: OB-I1245-7R6O7-4S0AM-QEECD-785764 or OB-9O1I2GP4JSB9N0H3AS14-2483779232 or OB-HKJKCFRKH06CA8R2O8HJ-1707256040 or OB-7DRH0BE00FJHJABA5S5J-1538828054 Download: http://storage.stardock.com/files/pr...Bar165_enh.exe Stardock IconX 1.0a Enhanced IconX is a program that turbo-charges your Windows desktop icons. It can put shadows, make them bigger, have them zoom up when you put your mouse over them, even change color based on what you are doing. Serial: IX-LBP2C-OE832-PN3GO-68GD0-785764 Download: http://storage.stardock.com/files/pr...--Enhanced.exe Stardock DesktopX 2.21 Enhanced DesktopX is a revolutionary program that lets you turbo charge your Windows desktop by adding widgets, themes, animated icons, and much more to it. Serial: DX-JF85Q-DDS4L-QIDGI-FAL44-785764 Download: http://storage.stardock.com/files/pr...1-enhanced.exe Stardock Windows Blinds 4.4 WindowBlinds gives Windows a fully skinnable user interface. You can change the style of title bars, buttons, the Start bar, toolbars and much more. It gives you total control over your graphical user interface. Serial: DX-JF85Q-DDS4L-QIDGI-FAL44-785764 Download: http://storage.stardock.com/files/pr...--Enhanced.exe Последний раз редактировалось alexandr; 02.04.2006 в 05:48.. |
08.03.2006, 17:29 | #7 |
Сообщений: n/a
Re: Stardock All Product!!!
Stardock.SkinStudio.Professional.v5.0.0.1111.Retai l.Incl.Keymaker-ZWT
http://www312.fixdown.com/keydown2003/zssp5001-2006-03-08.rar |
13.03.2006, 04:11 | #8 |
Stardock Desktop Pet v1.00
Stardock's Desktop Pet has been specially designed to live on your desktop. Your pet comes with plenty of objects to keep him occupied - in fact, we had trouble fitting some of them in the delivery crate! Designed with its own artificial intelligence, the pet doesn't just randomly walk around your desktop. He has needs such as hunger, sleep, boredom, health, and other basic desires that help bring him to life. Starting out as an egg, the pet hatches and lives out his life interacting with your desktop You can pet and tickle him, feed him, or set various desktop objects to automatic to provide food and entertainment. Users can pause the pet any time (or unload it entirely) and he will pick up where he left off when you un-pause or reload it. The pet also comes complete with sound effects and plenty of settings per object to control the environment. The pet also comes with an assortment of objects to interact with: The Butterfly - Perhaps your pet would enjoy playing with it? The Ball - This simple bouncy ball provides hours of fun - for your pet, anyway! The Bed - All that bouncing around can make your pet tired - and a tired pet is no fun! The Cheese Maker - Everyone needs to eat, and your pet is no exception. The Outhouse - All that cheese has to go somewhere. The Trash Can - Be careful not to let your pet eat from it when he's hungry. The Medicine Cabinet - Your pet may (rarely) get sick - usually because he's been eating from the trash can. The Firework Launcher - Everyone loves rockets, and your pet is no exception. and more! Download:http://rapidshare.de/files/15340457/SDP1.0.rar.html |
Сказали спасибо: |
17.03.2006, 16:59 | #9 |
Re: Stardock Desktop Pet v1.00
DesktopPet v1.00 (v1.00.002) | LastUpdate>12/13/2005
--=/Сливаем/=-- (rapidshare.de) ~20.0 MB --=/Сливаем/=-- (rapidshare.de) ~20.0 MB --=/Сливаем/=-- (rapidshare.de) ~20.0 MB --=/Сливаем/=-- (rapidshare.de) ~20.0 MB --=/Сливаем/=-- (turboupload.com) ~20.0 MB --=/Читаем/=-- |
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02.04.2006, 05:59 | #10 |
Re: Stardock All Product!!!
Stardock Collection All-in-One Aug-2005 BY fErBl
[IMG]http://img358.**************/img358/753/aiol7rx.png[/IMG] - Cursor XP Plus v1.31 - DesktopX Enterprise v3.1 - IconDeveloper Pro v1.11 - IconPackager 3.0a - IconX v1.10 Enhanced - Impression Creator Pro v1.0 - Natural Desktop 1.5 - ObjectDock Plus v1.2 - SkinStudio Pro v4.5 - WindowsBlinds Enhanced v4.51 - WindowFX Enhanced v2.12 - WinStyles Enhanced v1.50 - Keyboard Launchpad En v1.0.033 Скачать: 39,1Mb: _http://rapidshare.de/files/3818957/Stardock_Collection_All-in-One_June_2005_by_fErB_.part1.rar.html 39,1Mb: _http://rapidshare.de/files/3821836/Stardock_Collection_All-in-One_June_2005_by_fErB_.part2.rar.html 39,1Mb: _http://rapidshare.de/files/3823814/Stardock_Collection_All-in-One_June_2005_by_fErB_.part3.rar.html 25,7Mb: _http://rapidshare.de/files/3825284/Stardock_Collection_All-in-One_June_2005_by_fErB_.part4.rar.html |
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04.04.2006, 00:55 | #11 |
Re: Stardock All Product!!!
Stardock SkinStudio Pro 5.0
Скачать: 5055KB http://www2.fixdown.com/soft/15273.a...=cqoltel-downs http://www2.fixdown.com/soft/15273.asp?free=sdtel-downs http://www2.fixdown.com/soft/15273.a...=gdcnc-downs18 http://www2.fixdown.com/soft/15273.a...=gdcnc-downs19 http://www2.fixdown.com/soft/15273.asp?free=gd165-downs http://rapidshare.de/files/14989636/...03-08.rar.html
*** Добрая Фея *** |
04.04.2006, 04:59 | #12 |
Stardock RightClick 1.2
Stardock has released RightClick 1.2. RightClick is a program that enables users to replace the right-click desktop menu in Windows XP. RightClick menus can have short cuts, data, even widgets embedded into them.
RightClick 1.2 takes all the internal improvements that have been made to ObjectBar and other related technology and integrates them into the program. It supports embedding of widgets and should resolve the problem in which some users lost their menus during a system crash or other unexpected power loss. It's available on Object Desktop. News:http://www.wincustomize.com/articles...AID=111342&c=1 Download:http://rapidshare.de/files/17149054/...ck120.rar.html PS:serial numbers (have included .rar) may "not" work,need new keygen or new serial numbers. Последний раз редактировалось scaM; 06.04.2006 в 01:36.. |
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06.05.2006, 17:30 | #13 |
WindowBlinds 5.01 Enchanced + Themes
[IMG]http://img384.**************/img384/6475/19uo.gif[/IMG] Скачать 40 Mb: http://rapidshare.de/files/18835592/...htmlMegaupload http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZAM0O8TK |
22.05.2006, 08:18 | #14 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Re: Stardock All Product!!!
Уменьшено количество потребляемых ресурсов... Исправлены многочисленные баги с неправильным отображением некоторых скинов...
В России три способа обмена информацией: воровство, грабеж и обмен награбленным (Б. Гейтс)
01.06.2006, 17:40 | #15 |
Неактивный пользователь
Пол: Регистрация: 15.03.2006
Сообщений: 11
Репутация: 6
Re: Stardock All Product!!!
Кому интересно, появился русификатор на SkinStudio 4.4.0
Лежит здесь http://msilab.ru/show.php?rus=1632 Последний раз редактировалось Game_X; 02.06.2006 в 16:24.. Причина: Добавлено сообщение |
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