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13.08.2004, 20:12 | #1 |
Пол: Регистрация: 05.07.2007
Сообщений: 1,002
Репутация: 15636
Убедительная просьба. Не пишите пустых постов запросов, благодарностей, в разделе книг - только прямые ссылки на литературу( а не на сайты с книгами!!), все вопросы по поводу неработающих ссылок, перезаливки на зеркала, в "отправить личное сообщение" авторам интересующих постов.
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03.04.2011, 14:48 | #61 |
Пол: Регистрация: 05.07.2007
Сообщений: 1,002
Репутация: 15636
Regenerative Dentistry (Synthesis Lectures on Tissue Engineering)
"Regenerative Dentistry (Synthesis Lectures on Tissue Engineering)" Mona Marei Mo an and Cl pool Publishers | 2010 | ISBN: 1608452131 | 178 pages | PDF | 2,8 MB In this book, we review the current knowledge available to regenerate alveolar bone, periodontal structure, and pulp/dentin complex. The book provides researchers with detailed information about development and functional characteristics of the dental unit with detailed protocols covering a comprehensive range of various approaches to engineer dental tissues: to use isolated cells or cell substitutes as cellular replacement, to use acellular biomaterials capable of inducing tissue regeneration, and/or to use a combination of cells, biomaterial and growth factors. We are well aware, with the concept changes in the field toward in-vitro biomimetics of in-vivo tissue development. The theoretical frame work integrating these concepts of developmental biology and developmental engineering is yet to be emphasized and implemented. Until this happens, we consider this book of regenerative dentistry as a call for scientists to achieve, researchers to innovate, practitioners to apply, and students to learn the art and science of regenerative therapy in dentistry. Table of Contents: Introduction to Regenerative Dentistry / Tissue Engineering Alveolar Bone / Tissue Engineering of the Periodontal Tissues / Dynamics for Pulp-Dentin Tissue Engineering in Operative Dentistry Download:<<ifolder.ru>> |
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Реклама: | стол журнальный на колесиках купить | импланты зубов цены москва | решетка амн 300*150 | 3d печать изделий | букеты на юбилей |
10.04.2011, 00:40 | #62 |
Пол: Регистрация: 05.07.2007
Сообщений: 1,002
Репутация: 15636
Prometheus Kopf, Hals und Neuroanatomie, 2 Auflage
Author, "Prometheus Kopf, Hals und Neuroanatomie, 2 Auflage" Thieme | 2009 | ISBN: 3131395427 | 539 pages | PDF | 59,5 MB Haben Sie Ihren ersten Präp-Tag hinter sich? Haben sich vom Formalin-Schock und dem Anblick eines toten Menschen etwas erholt? Fragen Sie sich jetzt voller Panik, wie Sie Muskeln, Gefäße und Nerven erkennen und auseinander halten sollen? Wird Ihnen flau im Bauch, wenn Sie daran denken, wie Sie die Fülle an Fakten auswendig lernen sollen? Prometheus, der neue LernAtlas der Anatomie, hilft Ihnen dabei. Viele Anatomie-Atlanten enthalten meist nur einzelne Bilder, die den Aufbau des menschlichen Körpers zeigen. Zusätzlich braucht man daher noch ein Lehrbuch, das Hintergrundinformationen liefert. Prometheus ist nach einem völlig neuen Konzept aufgebaut: Anatomische Themen sind in übersichtlichen, kompakten Lerneinheiten zusammengestellt. Jedes Thema wird mit Bildern, Schemazeichnungen, Tabellen und Legenden auf einer Doppelseite so präsentiert, dass Sie auf einen Blick sehen, was Sie zu dem Thema wissen müssen. Der LernAtlas vermittelt Ihnen nicht nur anatomisches Wissen, sondern erläutert anatomische Zusammenhänge, zeigt klinische Aspekte auf und erklärt Funktionen. Alles, was nicht zu dem Thema der jeweiligen Lerneinheit gehört, wird weggelassen oder an anderer Stelle besprochen. So behalten Sie den Überblick und können strukturiert und effizient lernen. Download: <<ifolder.ru>> |
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10.04.2011, 01:19 | #63 |
Пол: Регистрация: 05.07.2007
Сообщений: 1,002
Репутация: 15636
Maxillofacial Imaging
Tore A. Larheim, Per-Lennart Westesson, "Maxillofacial Imaging" Publisher: Springer | ISBN: 3540254234 | edition 2005 | PDF | 440 pages | 146.3 mb Maxillofacial imaging has evolved dramatically over the past two decades with development of new cross-sectional imaging techniques. Traditional maxillofacial imaging was based on plain films and dental imaging. However, today’s advanced imaging techniques with CT and MRI have only been partially implemented for maxillofacial questions. This book bridges the gap between traditional maxillofacial imaging and advanced medical imaging. We have applied CT and MRI to a variety of maxillofacial cases and these are illustrated with high-quality images and multiple planes. A comprehensive chapter on imaging anatomy is also included. This book is useful for oral and maxillofacial radiologists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, dentists, radiologists, plastic surgeons, head and neck surgeons, and others that work with severe maxillofacial disorders. Download: <<iFolder>> |
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18.04.2011, 23:06 | #64 |
Пол: Регистрация: 05.07.2007
Сообщений: 1,002
Репутация: 15636
"Mikroskopische Anatomie der Zähne und des Parodonts"
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17.05.2011, 01:03 | #65 |
Пол: Регистрация: 05.07.2007
Сообщений: 1,002
Репутация: 15636
Wheeler's Dental anatomy, physiology, and occlusion (7th edition)
Major M. Ash - Wheeler's Dental anatomy, physiology, and occlusion (7th edition) Publisher: W.В. Sаunders | 1992-09-30 | ISBN: 0721643744 | PDF | 490 pages | 46 MB This classic text, written by a leader in the field of occlusion, is now available in an updated 7th Edition. Tooth form and function are made understandable to students at every level of education. New material in the 7th Edition includes recent approaches to dayta concerning standards of human tooth formation and dental age assessment, potential lines of fracture in developmental grooves, more! Revised and updated, this new 7th edition covers the latest developments in tooth form and function. It aims to be a primary source of information which provides the reader with basic morphological terminology, dental symbolic systems, and fundamental macromorphology. It also includes data on the chronologies of the development of the teeth and their emergence into the oral cavity, including age of attainment, age prediction and maturity assessment. Download: <<iFolder>> |
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18.07.2011, 14:18 | #66 |
Пол: Регистрация: 05.07.2007
Сообщений: 1,002
Репутация: 15636
Management of Temporomandibular Disorders and Occlusion
Management of Temporomandibular Disorders and Occlusion by Jeffrey P. Okeson ISBN 0323014771 / 9780323014779 / 0-323-01477-1 Publisher: Mosby Language: English Edition: Hardcover Формат: PDF Размер: 60 мб Скачать: megaupload.com |
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26.07.2012, 12:24 | #67 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Пол: Регистрация: 19.05.2006
Адрес: Хуст
Сообщений: 8,612
Репутация: 20216
Re: "Стол заказов": просьбы выложить/найти книги по медицине
Color Atlas of Dental Medicine Editors: Klaus H. Rateitschak and Herbert F. Wolf TMJ Disorders and Orofacial Pain The Role of Dentistry in a Multidisciplinary Diagnostic Approach Axel Bumann and Ulrich Lotzmann In Collaboration with James Mah Publisher: Thieme Medical Publishers | November 1, 2002 | ISBN: 1588901114
Примеры страниц: Страниц: 379 Формат: pdf Размер: 38,8 МБ
[RIGHT]Не спеши наследить, попробуй оставить свой след Последний раз редактировалось Chet; 27.07.2012 в 11:01.. |
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18.08.2012, 01:04 | #68 |
Пол: Регистрация: 25.09.2010
Сообщений: 770
Репутация: 4041
Re: General
Geza T. Terezhalmy, Michaell A. Huber, Anne Cale Jones
Physical Evaluation in Dental Practice [img]http://img6.**************/img6/1339/0813821312.jpg[/img] Wiley-Blackwell | 2009 | ISBN: 978-0-8138-2131-3 | 253 pages | PDF (rar) | 20 Mb Скачать |
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07.10.2013, 19:26 | #69 |
Пол: Регистрация: 05.03.2012
Сообщений: 22
Репутация: 176
Re: General
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07.01.2014, 16:52 | #70 |
Пол: Регистрация: 19.05.2006
Адрес: Хуст
Сообщений: 8,612
Репутация: 20216
Re: General
Concise Dental Anatomy and Morphology Publisher: Univ of Iowa Office of State; 2nd edition (January 1999)James L. Fuller, Gerald E. Denehy, Thomas M. Schulein Language: English ISBN-10: 0874141141 ISBN-13: 978-0874141146 Страниц: 218 Формат: pdf Размер: 19 МБ скачать
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