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Старый 09.12.2006, 19:52   #1
Неактивный пользователь
Аватар для _Alexander_
Регистрация: 09.12.2006
Сообщений: 68
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По умолчанию Snappy Invoice System

Snappy Invoice System 4.4.4

Программа для создания инвойсов (счетов на оплату). Оформление инвойса можно сделать полностью под себя.

Once you've spent just a few minutes with the program, you can prepare and print invoices and sales receipts in literally seconds! Designed with ease of use as a primary feature, the friendly menu system will also help you maintain Product and Customer Lists, quickly search for past documents, print useful reports, E-mail invoices to customers, and much more.

A powerful, easy-to-use search wizard makes locating previous entries fast and easy. A built in Sales Journal will help you track how many sales were made during a certain period, monitor salesperson performance, and determine the total amount of sales tax collected for a given period. The program will also keep customer and product lists so you can reuse data and minimize typing.

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Последний раз редактировалось _Alexander_; 09.12.2006 в 19:56..
_Alexander_ вне форума
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Здесь может быть Ваша реклама

Реклама: Интегрируй приложения вместе с Альбато: Box Clio - синхронизация за 5 минут!Магазин мебели предлагает компьютерный стол фото - переходите по ссылке, чтобы получить предложение!ярославль плес как добратьсявзаперти фильм про девочкустабилизатор пламени газовой горелки

Старый 18.05.2008, 12:14   #2
Аватар для Kosstas
Регистрация: 22.11.2005
Адрес: London, UK
Сообщений: 30
Репутация: 35
По умолчанию Ответ: Snappy Invoice System

Для тех кто продает на экспорт или делает бизнесс зарубежем рекомендую, просмотрел сотни подобных демоверсий но внимание привлекли эти две: Адаптированны для рботы со сканерами, генерируют баркоды

Simply Invoice software package comes complete with inventory/stock control system, contact management, quoting, invoicing, hire facility, sales and purchasing, mailshot facility, bookkeeping (book keeping) system, optional online postcode address lookup facility and much more. If you want to, you can even use Simply Invoice with EPoS (Electronic Point of Sale) hardware including barcode scanners/readers, receipt printers, pole displays and cash drawers.

Буду рад если кто поделится лекарством

И ЕЩЕ мультивалютный :

jStock POS is designed for Retail Outlets

jStock is a Point of Sale system specifically designed for Retail Outlets. It
is designed to run on an ordinary Windows PC with a receipt printer. It is a
complete solution for your shop with an easy to use interface. The system was
carefully designed for high speed input and prevention of common user mistakes.
It can be installed on multiple computers and has a built-in security access
accounts. You can keep detailed information about your stock items, you can
barcode each item. The system can generate barcodes automatically and can also
be used to accept 3rd party barcodes. jStock comes equipped with a built-in
accounting module. You can maintain your accounts within jStock. You have general
ledger accounts, you can close financial years, etc. You can work with any currency
or tax rates.Backend reports enable management to have an overall picture of
how the retail outlet is doing, how each salesman is performing, which itemwas
most requested, etc. The software is easily installed and there is no limitation
on the number of licenses. If you need any specific requirements which are unique
to your business, they can be included in future versions of the software.
Фарэва !
Kosstas вне форума
Ответить с цитированием Вверх

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