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07.03.2013, 12:57 | #1 |
Пол: Регистрация: 18.11.2006
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Manfred Klein
Manfred Klein - Prolific Frankfurt-based designer, born in Berlin in 1932, who studied typesetting at the Kurier in Berlin, later in Typografische AG (a work-group). His teacher was Berthold's G. G. Lange (starting in 1951). He graduated in advertising in 1958. Until 1982, he worked as a Creative Director and then as a freelancer for several companies, including Stempel and Monotype. Since 1990, prolific font creator, with fonts appearing at Fontshop, Fonthaus, Elsner and Flake, Alphabets Inc, Apply Design Group, and Medienwerkstatt Muehlacker (school fonts). His fonts are partly commercial and partly freeware. They are invariably stylish, original, and often funny. He looks at type as an essential part of visual communication, and that theme unifies his work. It gives his typefaces a unique cachet. As a result, Klein is one of my favorite type designers. Free Fonts Catalog ◉ African theme fonts African theme fonts include AfricEggs, Africaans, Africain, AfricanAngelsAndSpirits, AfricanArtifacts, AfricanQueens, AfriquArtes, AfroDesigns, Afrobats, ArteAfrique, BlackLiving, BlackSplinters, MotherAfrica, Africanissima (2005), AfricanissimaInvers (2005), AfroParts, AfricQuattro, AfriqueDrawings (2005), AfricanSymbols (2005), MotherAfricaArchetypo (2005), Artefacts Two (2006), AfricArtes (2006), BlacKLinoleum (2006), TribalDesigns (2006), Africaans (2006), African Ghosts (2006), Masks03 (2006), africaArt (2006), AfricanissimaOSix (2006). ◉ Aliens and space Aliens and space exploration fonts include Aliens2000 (wonderful masks face), AliensInverse, AliensNew, Androidish, HumanBeingsRedesign, HumanDeformations, HumanParts, HumanPartsPoetry, HumanPartsTwo, MutanTrios, NewAliens, SFAliens, SpaceAttackTwo, SpaceAttacks, SpaceBeings, SpaceCrew, SpaceCrewRound, SpaceDreams, SpaceGarbage, SpaceLivingBTwo, StrangeBeings, StrangeCharacters, StrangeFriends, StrangeFriendsFS, StrangePeople, WebTubbies, StrangersOnEarth (2005), NewAliens (2005), StrangersInTheDays, StrangersTwo (2005), SpaceStationHokus (2005), Space-Beings Two (2006), ExtraTerrestrial (2006), MyRobots (2007), NextGeneration (2007). ◉ Alphabets Inc Manfred Klein's fonts produced at Alphabets Inc: AlphaKid, AlphaZeta, AppleWine, BadTimes, Before The Alphabet-I, BeforeTheAlphabet II, BradOgilvy, BritishWriting, CaligulaNero, ChaoTiqua, ClassicalBPlus, ClassicCaps, ClassicIngenus, DancingEgypt, Dino, DinoSaurier, Flighty, Fragment, FraktKonstruct (1994), FraktScript, FranklySpoken, FruechtOne, Fusion, Half, Head to Heads, HeSheIt, Ideograph, JessicaPlus, JustPicts, KleinsSerif, Laufendes, MarsMen, MirrorKleinShadows (2000), NeptuneSerif, OlisEckige, Online, ParmaPetit, Quasimodo, SomeDrawings, StopperRosetten, Szene, Toskana, ToursandTravels, Uncitroncia, EthnoFont, WhyNot, Witches and Venezia. ◉ Animal fonts Animals have always been an important source of inspiration for Manfred, for various reasons---to satisfy his grandchildren (I guess), to make political statements, to have fun, and to design animal-inspired alphabets. Here is a partial list of his typefaces: AIDino-Heavy, AbermalsAnimals, AnimSilhous, AnimSilhousB, AnimalShadows, AnimalShadows2 (2005), AnimalShadowsDrei (2005), AnimalTypeFaces, AnimaliSilhouetti, Animalia, AnimaliaScissored, AnimaliaTwo, AnimalishMK (2007), AnimalishSilhouettes, AnimalsAnywhere, AnimalsMeetings, AnimalsOldfashion (2006), AnimalsPrey (2006), AnimalsTwo, Apish (2005), Austranimals01 (2005), BeastlyBats, BeforeAlphabetsFour, BeforeAlphabetsThree, BigCats (2007), BirdSymbols (2007), BugsNFriends, Butterfly (2007), ButterflyAndCo (2007), CatDogHorse (2007), CatSketches (2006), Cats, CatsCats, CatsCo (2005), ChildrenAnimalsFriends (2005), ChildrensDarlings (2006), CreaturesShadows (2005), CubismCreatures, CyberDinxx, Dillefanten, Dillfanten, DinoSilhous (2006), DinosFragments, Dinotiqua-Heavy, Djungle, DogsDogs, DomesticAnimals, DueTresQuattro (2005), EthnoFont, Fabeltiere04, FarmAnimals, FischersFritze (2006), Fishermans, FlyingSwimming, FroxXMedium, Getier (2005), Getier Two (2005), GetierAnimalish, GraphicAnimals (2005), Horses, HotchPotch, HowDrawAFish, HundeDogsChiens (2005), IhrHunde (2005), Impossibile, Insects (2005), Insects07 (2007), InsectsMK (2005), InsectsTwo (2006), KaraBenNemsi, KarawaneSilhous, Krabbeltiere, LandAnimals, LetsDance, LionsClub, LittleFriendsTwo (2005), Lorbeer, M-AnimalsUno (2006), MAnimalsK (2007), MensBestFriends, MensFriends, MesoFaunaBats, MonkeyUncialica, MonkeysTheatre, MyPrivateZoo, NewCaveDrawings (2006), NewDinos (2005), OldstyleZoo, Orcas, OurLittleDarlings (2006), OurLittleFriends (2005), OwlsAndMore (2005), OwlsNFriends, OwlsNOtherWitches, PatternsAnimals (2005), RareAnimals (2005), RealllyAnimalishOne, ReallyAnimalsTwo, Shamanbats, Shamanish, SilhouettesAnimalish, SwimmingBeautys, TangramAnimals (2005), TaurusCowboys, TypoApish, VectorAnimals (2006), Viecher, Wacominals, WildAnimalsOne, ZigzagAnimals, ZooCages (2006), ZooWoodcuts (2005), Zoobats, Zoography-Normal, ZooloVectoriA, ZoologicalGarden (2006). ◉ Arrows Arrows are another favorite theme in Manfred's oeuvre. He has designed these faces, which include a number of faces with pointing hands: AllHands, ArrowFaces, ArrowbixDown, ArrowbixOneDown, ArrowbixOneUp, ArrowbixTwoDown, ArrowbixTwoUp, Arrowbytes, ArrowsCompetition, DingsUndDasRunde, DingsbumsBats, FourEarsArrows, Hands, HandsAreClaws, HandsAreHands, KarrowsB, PfeileOne-Normal, PfeileThree-Normal, PfeileTwo-Normal, YumiyaArrows-vsTwo, YumiyaArrowsTwoB, Arrowy-Three (2005), Some Arrows (2007), HandsUp (2007, pointing fingers), Arrows07 (2007). ◉ Astrological symbols Astrological signs are hidden in these typefaces: AstroBats, AstroBatsFS, AstroDingbats, AstrobatsTwo, MKBatsMedium, ScribbledAstrobat-Medium, Horoscopisch (2005), Mythologicals (2005), HorosCopies (2005), AstroSymbols3 (2006), ZodiacsSignStars (2006), Astrobats Invers (2006), AstrologyCeltic (2006), MythologicalSquares (2006), PrivateAstroBats (2006), MythologicalFantasy (2007), AstrologyBats (2007), Mythical (2007), AstrologishSymbols (2007). ◉ Birds His aviary: AssociationsBirds, Birds-Relaunch, BirdsAndOtherBeings, BirdsEleven, BirdsOThree, BirdsToolbox, BirdsWithTypes, BirdsXtreme, Birrrdds, Feathered-MK, HappyBirdsDay-Medium, HappyBirdsDay, KritzelBirds, LateBirds, LateBirdsFS, LateBirdsThree, MouseBirds-Light, OrnithoLogics, QuickBirds, Birds+Friends (2007), SaulsRandomBirds, VampyrBats, WhereIsTheBirdsDealer, WildBirds, AsABird, BirdsNFishes, FlyBirdFly (2005), BirdsInfluenced (2006), Birds Cuts (2005), BubbleToBird (2005), OldBirdsDesigns (2005), BirdsEtcetera (2005), TangramBumBirds (2005), StrokeToBirds (2005), UpUpAndAway (2005), CorneredBirds (2006), BirdSymbols (2007), BirdsBirds (2007), Birds07 (2007), Very Old Birds (2007), BirdsInHeaven (2008). ◉ Calligraphy Some typefaces have a calligraphic background: AstroCalligraphsOne, AstroCalligraphsTwo, CalliPsoGrafia, CalliPsoGrafiaItalic, CalliPsoGrafiaMedium, Callimundial, FatGrafCalliklein, PetitixThreeCallig-Bold, PetitixThreeCallig-Light, PetitixThreeCallig-Normal, RustiCalligraphia, ScribblesCalligraphique, ZeitGeisterbahn (2005, a nice curly face). ◉ Caps and initials Capitals are a favoritre playground for illustrators, drawers, and artists. They go beyond just mere type. So, to no one's surprise, Manfred has created over one hundred initial caps faces: AlkoInitials, AlkoInitialsFramed, AnarchoCaps, CapitalisTypOasisMedium (Trajan), CapsMKS, CapsRandomish, CapsRandomishBricks, CassandraTwo, ChaosStripesCaps, CircleInitialsFreeshape, ClassiCapsBricksBlack, ClassiCapsShields, Clown-Normal, ClownNormal, ConstrAccident, ConstruCaps, CorrodetInitials (2006), CorrodetClassicaps, CrazyConstructor, CrazyCrazySans, CrazyCrazySans, CuneateCaps, DelitschInitialen, DotCapsMK, DotsCapsTwo, DrunkenConstructor, Ermir-Normal, ErmirNormal, FatFloralphabetXperimental, FilledABC, FloRaTialen, FloRaTialen, FloralOne, FloralTwo, FloralalphaLight, FlowerPower, FlowerPowerRound-Medium, FragmentCaps-Cross, FragmentCapsRound-Medium, GaranitialRings, GaraNitialsFramed, GaraNitialsFramed, Glitter, GlitterOblique, GoticaCaps, GotikaButtons (2005, after Imre Reiner's Gotika from 1933), GriffosSCapsFont, HansSchoensCapsInGrid, JahnsCapsRound50, JuliusCaesarBlack, KleinFeodoraCaps, KleinsWrittenCaps, LeiterplattenSans, LetterBuildings, LetterBuildingsTHREE, LinoCapsA, LinoCapsAR, LinocapsB, LinocapsBR, LombardiCaps-Round, LombardiCaps, LucaPacioliCaps, LucaPacioliRough, MKapitalisRusticaMedium, MammothishCaps, Mighty-Normal, Mighty-Normal, MightyContour-Black, MightyShadowBlack, MightySpecial-Normal, MightySpecialNormal, MightySpecialNormal, MightyWindyBlack, MultiCapsOne, MultiCapsTwo, NeoPanFrames, NoisyButtons, OldConstructedCaps, OldiesButGoodies, OrnamentalInitial, OrnamentalInitialButtons, OszillCapsSecond, OszilloCapsFirst, PetitFleurLight, PetitFleurNormal, PixCaps, PixCaps, PixCapsRound, PixCapsShadow, PixCapsWinding, PreRomanCaps, QuadratZiffernNegativ, QuadrataRoma-MediumOblique, QuasimodoCaps, ReliefCaps-Italic, ReliefCaps, RememberCassandre, RememberManhattanBolkd, RememberManhattanSeptember, RememberScribbledTypes, RodGauApesInitials, RomanGridCaps, SaltoOne-Normal, SaltoOne-Normal, SaltoTwo-Normal, SaltoTwo-Normal, SchneidlerSchwabachInitials, SchoenspergerCaps, SerifsCaps, Solitaire, Solitaires, StoneCapsIngrid, TangoMacabre, Tangoasis, TornielloInitials, Torynitialen, TorysToolsFS, ToscanButtons, ToskanaCapsRound, TrajanSmallCaps, TrajanusBriX-Invers, TrajanusBricks, TrajanusBricksXtra, TypOasisInitials, VariationsForImre, VenetianBlind, VenetianBlindInverse, VespasianCaps, VespasiansFlorials, WeimarCaps, WieynkCapsRound, WindyCityCaps, ZagzagCaps, ZebralCaps, ZebralSketchedCapsItalic, LambordicCaps, Florabetic (2005), LettersAnimales (2005), 5thCenturyCaps (2005), SnowCupsCaps (2005), VaticanianInitials (2005, gorgeous!), StackCaps (2005), DirtyHatchCaps (2005), ChristianInitials (2005), PlantsLetters (2005), CorrosClassicClimbers (2005), MKapish (2005), MKapsMixed (2005), LettersBats (2005), SchnörkelCaps (2005), XmasCaps (2005), SomeCapsStories (2006), ImresCorrodetCaps (2006), OldLettresOmbrees (2006), ArtNouveauCaps (2006), ChildrensAlphabet (2006), CatsAlphabet (2006), DigitalisHistory (2006), Duodez (2006), InitialenFramed-MK (2006), FlorAlphabet (2006), SilvestreInitials (2006), ClassicRomanCaps (2006), IllustratedAlphabet (2006), ToleCaps (2006), DelitzschCaps (2006), ImresDiscs (2006), Faces Alphabet Beta (2006), Szene In Frames (2006), Parma Initialen MK (2006), KlUngerCaps (2006), RememberScribbledInv (2006), Tequila (2006), Fraxboxes (2006, based on Rakowski's Griffin), RodgauCaps (2006), DeKonitials (2006), BigBrotherClassizismCaps (2006), K-LettresOmbrées (2006), TreeLike (2006), VictorianInitialsOne (2006), CircusBoldSquares (2006), KochsLongCapsSquares (2006), RomanaCapsClassicSquares (2006), Gotic Caps (2006), CircusBoldSquaresInvers (2006), MKanzleiCaps-One (2006), JahnsCaps (2007), Kletteralphabet (2007), StencilBricks97 (2007), ZierCaps (2007), ImresFraxCaps (2007), DeconstructionCaps (2007), SuprematismK (2007), DodgesCaps (2007), FloraliaCaps (2007), JugendstilCaps (2007), Schraffura (2007), ClassicaCaps (2007), Serena (2007), TokayOSeven (2007), DevilsAlphabets (2007), HeidEcker (2007), LombardInitials (2007), ClassicapsC (2007), GearingZahnradABC (2007), JuliusCaesarDisks (2007), Pixfabet (2007), QuasiModoButtons (2007), RoundAbout (2007), SilhouOtto (2007), CorrodetClassicapsBlack, HansSachsCaps, RococoCoquete (2007), SatanicAlphabet (2007), TwilightCaps (2007), Wacomiqua (2007), FrakturInitials07 (2007). ◉ Caves and prehistoric man On the theme of caves and prehistoric man: AustralBats, CaveAB, CaveBatsFour, CaveBatsTwo, CaveBatsTwoB, CaveDreams, CaveDreamsXtreme, CavePaint, CavePaintings, CavePeople-Painting, CavePeople2002FS, CavePopart, CavebatsOne, CavebatsOneA, CavebatsThree, OetzisTimesWillCome, PrehistFantasies, StoneAgeAgain-Normal, StoneAgeFeelings, CaveNTribalArt (2005), AfterLastWar (2005), Prehistorish (2005), MPictures (2005), NewCaveDrawings (2006), Petrographs (2006), MKGreco (2006), CaveBeings (2006), CaveLife (2006), BeforeAlphabetsGallery (2006), Stone Age Bats Bold (2006), StonesAgeButtons (2006), CaveMeetings (2007), Petroglyphs07 (2007), DadasStoneage02 (2007), New Cave Drawings 03 (2007), CaveStars (2007), Prehistoric (2007), ArteCave (2007), Cave07 (2007), CavePaintings (2007), CavePeopleTraces (2007). ◉ Christmas On the theme of Christmas, Manfred Klein created ClassiCapsXmas, ClassiCapsXmas2002-Inverted, Xmas2002, XmasBalls, XmasBatzz, XmasGingerbread, XmasOnMoon, XmasOne (2004), XmasSketches, XmasPromotions (2005), XmasCaps (2005), XmasCapsRound (2005), Christmas05 (2005), XmasGsuffa (2005), Happy Xmas Bats (2006), PetrasBauhausXmas (2006), XmasImprovisations (2006), Weihnacht2006 (2006). ◉ Codex-style fonts The geometrical overlays reminiscent of Duerer are another recurrent theme in Manfred's work. To weit: GridConcrete (2005), DancingVampyrish, DuererUnd, DuerersMinuskeln, GrafBoldBold, GrafCirculum, GrafCirculumBricks, GrafObliqueItalic, GrafRoundishMedium, Gridtypo (2005, a sans based on a Dürer-style grid), LombarDuerer, RodauButtons, RodauButtonsInverse, RodgauCaps (2006), RodgauerOne, RodgauerOneRoundMedium, RodgauerThree, RodgauerThreeRoundedMedium, RodgauerTwo, RodgauerTwoRounded-Medium, SketchesByDuerer-Inverse, SketchesByDuerer, TheRoots, XPCrazy-Light, XPFourTwoContourMedium, XperimentypoFS, XperimentypoFSBlack, XperimentypoFSWhite, XperimentypoFourBRound, XperimentypoFourCRoundInvers, XperimentypoFourRound, XperimentypoNr1, XperimentypoNr1, XperimentypoNr1Oblique, XperimentypoStripes-One, XperimentypoStripes-Two, XperimentypoThree-B-Square, XperimentypoThree-C-Square, XperimentypoThree-Crazy, XperimentypoThreeSquares, XperimentypoTwo, XperimentypoTwoCrazy, XperimentypoTwoStripes. ◉ Eyes Manfred's life story is also being told through tens of typefaces that pay special attention to the eyes. They include some his best and most original contributions as they come straight from the heart. A partial list: OtherEyes (2007), WildHeads (2007), ChaoticHeads (2007), Fish Faces (2006), OrnamHeads (2006), HeadImprovisations (2006), GeometricFeelings (2006), MouseVectorarts (2006), ComicHeadsBeings (2006), PetitButtoni (2006), PlanetarishBats (2006), Abstract To Concrete (2006), DaddyGrid (2006), Pabloesque2005 (2005), PopArtes (2005), Florenius (2005), NewTechnoFaces (2005), TypoPieces (2005), PhantasticSketches (2005), Strokemen (2005), GeometricFaces (2005), CircleFaces (2005), CircleMixes (2005), EyeMen (2005), SchiessScheibe (2005), ConfusEyecons2005 (2005), Genesis Sketches (2005), EyeEye (2005), EyeSee (2005), PuzzleParts (2005), SeeAndAct (2005), AbstractFaces (2005), EyesAlphabet (2005), MansPartsPlaying (2005), Facelab (2005), EyesNoseMouth (2005), Overheads (2005), Head to Head Five (2005), Wild Faces (2005), AmorEmoticons, AugenEyes, Confuseyecons, CrazyWorld, EverypictTellsaStory, EyeBeings, EyeBeings, EyeNStrokeThree, Eyeballs, EyelecBats, Eyes, EyesGallery, EyesNStrokes, EyesTests, FaceToFace, Facialish, FisheyeButtonsTwo, ForAlchemistsOnly, Frontal-Buttons, Frontal, Gipfelkoepfe, IdenOfMarch, LaughBajazzo, LifeEyecons, LogoModaRoma, LogoModels, LogoModelsBowToBoss, Look, LookForLeonardo, MKDingBats, MKEyeMinals, MKSymbols, MSkizzen, MiszCinque, MkDrawings, Nasenbear, PhantasticBeings, RodgauerFisheyes, RomiPetito, SuprematismOne, SuprematismTwo, TherapeuticApplications, TheyWasNiceMurdersAlways, TwelveYearsAfter, TypoAnarchycalEyes, WysiwygBats, SchauSchau (2005), Relative (2005), DesignPartsSix (2005), EyesAugenMouth (2005), Electric Faces 01 (2006), AbstractFaces03 (2005), HumanPartsStore (2006), GeoEyes01 (2006), TypographicTangos (2006), HeadSketches02 (2006), Krizzeleyn (2006), NewKoeppes (2006), EyesAndSoOn (2007), EyeEyeOnBlack (2007), Vector Improvisations (2007). ◉ Fonteria CD "The 50 Fonteria fonts were made in the nineties when Manfred started to play with digital type. This compilation was intended to be distributed commercially, but somehow it came to nothing. So Manfred decided to distribute the collection as free fonts - for private use* only." In 2001, Fonteria CD was produced. It had these creations: Artist, BodoniTwinsCaps, Caslonia, CircusOne through CircusFour, Clown, CrazyTimes, Emmenthaler, Ermir, Erpressung, FloRaTialen, GaraNitials, GaraSans, Imre, Jockey, Jonas, KL1GridZebra, KL1MonoSansInvers, KL1MonocaseSerif, KleinsDancingSlapzerif-Light, Laurens, LernschrittABC, Mighty, MightySpecial, MirrorKleinShadows, MonoAlphabet, MonoAlphabetSerif, Monument, Mutoni, PfeileOne through PfeileThree, Pointout, RootsOfMatisse, SMHand, SaltoOne, SaltoTwo, SonnCar, Steamdecor, StonageStamp, Stoneage, WalNuss, Zoography-Normal. ◉ Fonts for children Fonts of children's handwriting or with dingbats specially made for or by kids: MK-Doodles, AnAlphaBetIsm-Medium, AnAlphaBetIsm, AnAlphaBetIsmXtreme, Batmania, BatsDa, Cucumbers, HappyBirthday, Hingehudelt-Bold, Hingehudelt, HingehudeltMedium, HingeschludertBlack, Jockey-Black, Jockey-Bold, JockeyBlack, JockeyBold, JockeyOblique, JockeyOblique, Kinderkram, KleinsAmazon, KleinsKrempelTypes, KleinsTypen, KleinsTypesoup, Krakelfabet, MKritzeleien, MoreMonK, MouseGrafitty, MousePen, MouseScribbles, MrKlein, SchoolStuff, Schoolish, ScribbleABit, ScribbleDichFrei, SketchBatsMedium, Sketched, SketchedAlphabet, Spontifex, Spontifex, SternenHimmel, TixBats, ToyToy, XamStern, Schooltime, KiddiesR, KinderUndEngel, PlayingChildren, BalloonDigits, BirthdayDigits, KinderKinder (2005), KinderAbsurdo (2005), CharactersB (2005), KidsDrawings02 (2006), Kidsfont One (2006), KleinsLittleDings (2006), Kids Art (2007), KidsKids (2007). ◉ Fontshop Manfred Klein's Fontshop fonts in the FontFont series: FFDouble Digits, FF Witches, FF Quill, Carolus Magnus (uncial), Johannes G (Fraktur), Koberger (Fraktur), Schoensperger (Fraktur). ◉ Karla Manfred's granddaughter is called Karla. For her, he drew many typefaces. I can just picture him doodling crazy creatures to amuse her. The typefaces: ChildWritten-Bold, ChildWritten, Children, ChildrenBats, ChildrenDingbats, ChildrenSketchings, ForKiddies, ForKids, Karlas1B, Karlas704, KarlasABCStart, KarlasAnarchists, KarlasAndManfreds, KarlasBats, KarlasBats, KarlasFirstFont, KarlasMiszellen, KarlasStrokemen, KarlasWelt, KidgeBoxes-Medium, Kidpicts, KidsArt, KidsDrawings, KidsFirstABC, KidsFirstPrintFont, KidsKas, KidsPhantasies, KidsStuff, KidsStuffAdded, MKarlasBats, MKidge, TheKiddiesRound, KarlasUndOpas (2005), ChildrensWorld (2005), Karlchens (2005), KarlasInterpreted, KarlasSketches (2005), MKarla (2005), KarlasZeichnungen (2005), From KarlasIdeas (2005), KarlasNrThree (2007). ◉ Laurens Laurens is one of Manfred's two grandchildren. Some of the typefaces are dedicated to him: Laurens-Normal, LaurensErste, LaurensNormal, OhLauri. ◉ Rune fonts at TypOasis Rune font site where one can download Manfred's runes: EtruskRough (2005), ModernRunes (2003), Petitx (2003), PetitixButSet, PetitixCallig, ReadableGothic (2003), Runes Written (2003), TheRomanRunesAlliance (2003), Twiggy (2001), GerManish (2003), RuneStones (2003), RuniK (2002), RunishMK (2002), RunishQuill (2003), TodayRunes (2004). Other free fonts there include Gothic Love Letters (1999, Belladonna), Gothic (Petra Heidorn) and Futharken (1995, Morton Bek). ◉ Runen Great pages on the history and background of the rune script, brought to you by CybaPee and Manfred Klein, who also contributes a few new rune fonts to the pages: ModernRunes, PetitixButSet, PetitixCallig, ReadableGothic, Runes Written, TheRomanRunesAlliance, GerManish, RuneStones. ◉ Runes Manfred Klein retraced the roots of writing in central Europe before the middle ages. There was indeed a Germanic hookish style of writing that I will group under "runes". Some of his typefaces: AngloSaxonItalic, GermanishOne, LatinLoversRunes, MKRunes-Light, MKRunes, ModernRunes, RuneStones, RunesWritten-Bold, RunesWritten, RuniK100-Bold, RuniK100-Bold, RuniK50-Normal, RuniKleinFreeform, RunishMKMedium, RunishQuillMK-Medium, RunishQuillMK, TheRomanRunesAlliance, TodayRunes, EtruskRough, RunishQuillBlackSquares (2007), CalligImprovis (2007). ◉ Stencil Creations and revivals of stencil faces include CasualStencil-Medium, Eatyourheartout, FutstencilSerif, Kenzotiqua, KenzotiquaSwinging, LeArchitect, Linearus, LinearusCentSix, MKStencilsansBlack, MKlungerFS-Medium, MoKsfordStencilDemiBold, MoKsfordStencilExtraLight, SanstencilBend, Schablonski-LessFat, Schablonski, SchabLonski, StencilBricksMK, StencilBricksRandom, Stencilia-A, Stencilia-Bold, StencilBricks97 (2007). ◉ Stone-age look and chiseled typefaces Adonis-Bold, Athena, AthenaHandwritten, Cuneate, CuneyChars, Diogenes, GreeKish, HellasDust, MCapitals, MouseStrokes3D, MouseStrokesCont, MouseStrokesInverseShadow, OldGreekButtons, Papercuts, PetitexBut-Bold, PetitexBut-Light, PetitixBut-Normal, Pompeji-Black, PompejiMK, PompejiPetit, QuickGreekBold, Rehacles-Light, Rehacles-Medium, RomaCesare-Normal, RomaMonumentalBC, SteinAntik-Bold, SteinAntik-Light, SteinAntik, StrokeBorn-Bold, StrokeBorn, StrokesFonds, StrokesFonds, StrokesNBullets, Strokey-Bold, Strokey-VeryBold, Strokey-VeryVeryBold, StrokeyHand, Tremolo-DemiBold, Tremolo, Twiggy-Bold, Twiggy-Light, Zyprian, JuliusC2, QuickJuliusC, AntikAlphaBeta (2006), MKGreco (2006), PetroglyphMarks (2006), MKGrecoExtraBold (2006), Stone Age Bats Bold (2006), Schonan Black (2006), Petroglyphs07 (2007), DadasStoneage02 (2007), AdonisGreekSquares (2007), Corrodet Classicaps Black (2007), JahnsCaps (2007). Some of these are Greek simulation faces/ ◉ Typewriter faces Manfred Klein's typewriter faces include TypewriterScribbled (2007), CairotiquaLight, CairotiquaFSFreestyle-Italic, EarthquakeTypewriter, EscapeTypewriterCMedium, EscapeTypewriterSans-Light, EscapeTypewriterSansBold, EuropeanTypewriter, MonospaceTypewriter, ReadingHelperInvers, SMHand, SMHand, SteepTypewriter-Medium, SteepTypewriter, SteepTypewriterMedium, TypewriterCondensed, SmallTypeWriting (2006), Handmade Typewriter (2007). ◉ TypOasis 2002 ; TypOasis 2003 ; TypOasis 2004 ; TypOasis 2005; TypOasis 2006; TypOasis 2007; TypOasis: Christmas; Typoasis output before 2001. ◉ Uncials Manfred has tried to dabble in many of the important phases of type history. The uncials are just one of his more favorite styles: HassianUncial, IrishSketchesFS-Italic, IrishUnciAlphabet, KL1Unciale, KL1UncialeBasisLight, KL1UncialeLightWaving, LightUnciale, MKUnCiale-Pen, MKUnCialeFS, MKUnCialeObliqueFS, MKarolingish, SoluncialeMK-Medium, SoluncialeMKItalic, TypoasisUncial, TypoasisUncialFS-Medium, UnZialish, UncialButtonsA, UncialButtonsB, UncialCondensedFifty, UncialCondensedSoft-Medium, UncialFifty, UncialFiftySoft-Bold, UncialFiftySoft-Medium, UncialHundred, UncialHundredSoft-Bold, UncialeOrnamentale, UncialeXpress-Light, UncitronSwinging-Bold, Uncitronica-Medium, VirtualUncialQuill, VirtualUncialQuillSoft, RandomUnciale, AnglosaxOblique (2007), CarolusKlein (2007). ◉ Wood type The wood type look is caught in these typefaces: RomanWoodcut, WasWoodcuts, WoodCutted, WoodTypesMK, WoodcutAnimals, WoodcutsAgain, WoodcutsOne, WoodcutsTwo, WoodcuttedCaps, WoodcuttedCapsBlack, WoodcuttedCapsBlackFS, WoodcuttedCapsFS, WoodcuttedCapsInvers, WoodcuttedCapsInversFS, Woodcuts5, RenaissanceWoodcuts (2005), VirtualWoodcuts (2005), WoodcutBats (2005), WoodcutsFound (2005), BrokenWoodtypes (2006), Woodcuts01 (2006), WoodcutsFontissimo (2006), BigMummy (2006), AxelsWoodTypesMK (2006), Web Woodcuts (2007), Woodcuts2007 (2007). Some of Manfred Klein's early typefaces can be bought at MyFonts. Elsner+Flake http://moorstation.org/typoasis/desi...lein/index.htm http://nowa.cc/showthread.php?t=386048 |
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Древовидный вид |
Russian to... |
English |
Deutsch |
Français |
Italiano |
Български |
Česky |
Polski |
Suomi |
Română |
Español |
Português |
Svenska |
Norsk |
Hrvatski |
Dansk |
Nederlands |
Русский |
العربية |
中国 |
中國 |
Ελληνική |
हिन्दी |
日本語 |
한국어 |